Rheum Revolution

The field of Rheumatology focuses on treating diseases of inflammation and autoimmunity. ArC Wellness is an integrative Rheumatology practice which offers a conventional medical approach along with selected complementary therapies to manage and reverse rheumatic diseases. Over the past 20 years the scientific community has confirmed direct causation of poor lifestyle choices to inflammation and autoimmunity.  It is now more clear than ever that chronic disease can be prevented or reversed by consistently making healthier lifestyle choices. 

ArC Wellness’ holistic approach will incorporate scientifically based conventional and alternative approaches to  diseases of the immune and musculoskeletal system. The primary focus will be on identifying the root cause of illness.  We do in depth analysis of everyday choices which include but are not limited to diet, activity and stress levels. Once the cause is identified we tailor a plan of action to guide healing through lifestyle modifications, education, supplemental therapy, herbal remedies, prescription medicines, IV nutrition, red light therapy, ozone therapy.

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